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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Doctors Office Again

Hello everybody! Today I am going to the doctors office again. I have been sick for the last 3 days. I beginning every sentence with I and is talking like a robot. There is no expression in my words and should stop... I am back! And I am wasting time! About the doctor, hopefully he wont have to give me a shot (a needle in the upper-arm to be specific). I probably just have a simple chest infection that may or may not lead to suffocation. Lets take one moment to wish me luck. And since this is writing I think that's impossible so I am dead. Figure of speech! Just a figure of speech! I think I am making this worse for myself. Michael J. Fox moment!

Yeeh-ha! *cough* Strained the vocal cords. Or should I say...writing chords! Hahahhahahaha! Who am I kidding. I no funny no mo'! Bye!