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Monday, June 7, 2010

Hello Again

Hello everybody! I haven't written a post in the past 2 days! But in my defense I don't have many updates about my life ( well I actually do so here they are).

  1. My mom and I tried to do a japanese art called "dorodango", the art of making mud into a shiny ball. When my mom and I tried it, it all fell apart.....literally! Heres a site that shows how to make dorodango:Click here!
  2. I'm not sure if anybody noticed but you'll hear the song "Hey, Soul Sister" by Train. You can get codes for mp3 songs in the link below the player at the top of the Videos section. I will change the song weekly.

  3. Here's a  link to my new blog called ""! It was going to be a weekly blog called "Charged", but that didn't work out .You can call it a widget library, a collection of good, fun, clean widgets that you can get from the links that I put on the blog. Right now I only have to 2 widgets so don't be expecting much from me yet. Here's the link:CLICK HERE
There you go. Thats what happend in the last 2 days. Goodbye for now and I will try to write my posts consistently. Bye!!!!!!!!!