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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Hello...Again...For the Third Time...In Months

Hello everybody! As you noticed I did not forget my beginning phrase but did forgot to write. That's kind of weird eh? And unfortunately for me, I have to fill you in on 6th grade. It...was...(you can see how I'm adding three dots in for suspense and you may think I will write AWSOME!)...OKAY! It was awesome but the routine at my school is so long,  literally count down toward the weekend. QUOTE UNQUOTE: Michaeel Jackson: "Its a school of torure where you may ask why, why, tell em' that it is middle schoo-ool, why, why,why do they do it that way?"  Click follow for awsome fake Michael Jackson quote! But my school is pretty fun actually. I really dont know why I wrote that? Well, anyways enough of Lynard Skynard, time for Ok Go! Thats right! The new hit sensation almost as big as Justin Beiber, the girl from Canada! (Not really)


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